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Showing results 3028 to 3047 of 4709 < previous   next >
TitleAuthor(s)Issue Date
O.Lindén et al: state of the marine environment in the Ropme sea areaUnited Nations Environment Programme(UNEP)1990
O.Lindén et al: state of the marine environment in the Ropme sea areaIOC1990
Ocean energy potential of the west african regionUnited Nations Environment Programme(UNEP)1983
OECD Development asistance CommitteeOrganization for Economic Co-operation and Development1996
OECD DEVELOPMENT ASSISTANCE COMMITTEEOrganization for Economic Co-operation and Development1996
OECF ENVIRONMENTAL GUIDELINESThe Overseas Economic Cooperation Fund1989
OECF environmental guidelines (2nd Version)OECF1995
Offce of the Environment PublicationsAsian development Bank1993
Offce of the National Environment BoardThai environment1989
Office of the high Commissioner for human Rights: Recommended Principles and Guidelines on Human Right and Human TraffickingUnited National2002
Offshore Mining and DrillingUnited Nations Environment Programme(UNEP)1982
OIL and Gas Exploration and Production in Mangrove AreasInternational Union For Conservation of Nature (IUCN)1993
Oil and war: the artifices of 20th century hisoryHIVOS/NOVIB2002
OIL Exploration in the TropicsInternational Union For Conservation of Nature (IUCN)1991
Oil pollution and its control in the East Asian seas regionUnited Nations Enviroment programme1988
Oil pollution control in the East African regionUnited Nations Enviroment Programme1982
Oil Spill Dispersant Application and Environmental ConsiderationsIMO/United Nations Environment Programme(UNEP)1982
OIL SPILL RESPONSE EQUIPMENTKolon international Corporation-
Oil spill response planPC(V)SB1995