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Showing results 2697 to 2716 of 4709 < previous   next >
TitleAuthor(s)Issue Date
M.S. Iqbal: assessment of the implementation of the eastern african action plan and the effectiveness of its legal instrumentsUnited Nations Environment Programme(UNEP)1992
Maastricht workshop on the transfer of environmentally sound technologyChihiro Watanabe1996
Macro-level assessment and monitoring of coastal suspended sediment concentration and vegetation conditions (South China sea)United Nations Environment Programme(UNEP)1998
Making Budgets Green: Leading Practices in Taxation and Subsidy ReformJ.Hanson-
Making integrated solutions work for sustainable developmentUNU2002
Malaca straits environmental profile (draff)GEF,United Nations Development Programme(UNDP),IMO1996
Malacca straits: special area? The need and feasibility of disignating the Malacca straits as a special area under marpol 73/78United Nations Environment Programme(UNEP)1997
Malaysia Environmental Quality Report 1996Department of Enviroment Ministry of Science, Technology and the Environment Malaysia1996
Malaysia's succsess story in the implementation of the montreal protocol on subsstances that deplete the ozone layerIr:Tan MengLeng1999
Malaysian Rain ForestLim Keng Yaik1991
Management and conservation of renewable marine resourcesUnited Nations Environment Programme(UNEP)1985
Management and conservation of renewable marine resources in the Eastern African regionUnited Nations Environment Programme(UNEP)/International Union For Conservation of Nature (IUCN)1985
Management and conservation of renewable marine resources in the Indian ocean region: overviewInternational Union For Conservation of Nature (IUCN)1985
Management guidelines for International Union For Conservation of Nature (IUCN) category V protected areas protected landscapes/seascapesAdrian Phillips2002
Management of bleached and ưeverely damaged coral feefsSusie Westmacott, Kristian Teleki, Sue Wells and Jordan West2000
Management of urban water supply and waste water systemsGoteborg, Gilbert Svensson, Sweden1994
Management strategy for a protected arrea system in Viet nam to 2010The Socialist republic of Việt Nam2003
Managing the east Asian seasChua Thia-Eng1989
MANAGING THE ENVIRONMENT THE ROLE OF ECONOMIC INSTRUMMENTSOrganization for Economic Co-operation and Development(OECD)1994