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Showing results 2604 to 2623 of 4709 < previous   next >
TitleAuthor(s)Issue Date
L'etat de l'environment dans le pacifique sudA.L.Dahl1984
L'evalution du Climatet de L'environnement GlobalAVHRR1990
L.Davidson: Environmental assessment of the wider caribbean regionUnited Nations Environment Programme(UNEP)1990
L.Hill and J.Pernetta: Natural resource data bank for the South pacificUnited Nations Environment Programme(UNEP)(UNEP)1988
L.Jeftic et al.: State of the marine environment in the mediterranean regionUnited Nations Environment Programme(UNEP)1990
Lake biwa: have sustainable development objectives beenmetMasahisa, Nakamura1992
LAN to WAN InterconnectionJohn Enck1995
LAND and FOREST Regeneration Environmental Governance - 3E.Maltby,C.P.Immirzi and R.J Safford1996
Land and Water Resource Management in AsiaPeter Sun1989
Land Cover Assessment and Monitoring ( Volume 1A)United Nations Environment Programme1995
Land Cover Assessment and Monitoring ( Volume 2A)United Nations Environment Programme1995
Land Cover Assessment and Monitoring ( Volume 3A)United Nations Environment Programme1995
Land Cover Assessment and Monitoring ( Volume 4A)United Nations Environment Programme1995
Land Cover Assessment and Monitoring Viêt Nam (Volume 5 - A)United Nations Environment Programme1995
Land Cover Assessment and Monitoring Viêt Nam (Volume 6 - A)United Nations Environment Programme1995
Land Cover Assessment and Monitoring Viêt Nam (Volume 7 - A)United Nations Environment Programme1995
Land ocean interactions in the coastal zoneP.R.Boudreau, P.J.F. Geerders1996
Land use Planning in Earthquake zones Seismic risk Reduction in the Mediteranean RegionUnited Nations Environment Programme1987
Land Use StrategyCommission on Resources and Environment1995