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Showing results 1951 to 1970 of 4709 < previous   next >
TitleAuthor(s)Issue Date
Gắn kết vấn đề môi trường vào lập kế hoạch phát triển cấp địa phương ở VNPGS.PTS. Phan Thu Hương1997
Gắn kết vấn đề môi trường vào lập kế hoạch phát triển kinh tế - xã hội ở Việt namPGS.PTS. Phan Thu Hương1997
Gắn kết xem xét về môi trường vào hệ thống lập kế hoạch phát triển: phân tích liên cấpPGS.PTS. Phan Thu Hương1998
Gems report series no.12Nairobi1992
GEMS/AIR Methodilogy Review Handboook Series Volume 2United Nations Environment Programme1994
GEMS/AIR methodlogy review handbook series vol.1United Nations Environment Programme-
GEMS/AIR methodlogy review handbook series vol.3United Nations Environment Programme-
Gems/water operational guideGem/Water1987
GEMS/WATER OPERATIONAL GUIDEUnited Nations Environment Programme1992
Gender issues in water resources development in the lower Mekong basinMekong River Commission Secretariat1997
General introduction receving water quality evaluation receving land quality evaluationNIEM1993
General Regulations Concerning Enviroment ProtectionMinistry for Enviroment and Regional Policy Budapest1995
Gennetically modified organisms and biosafety a backgroundSở Khoa học công nghệ và Môi trường Thanh Hóa1997
Geo Consultation Report For Asia PacificUnited Nations Environment Programme(UNEP)1996
Geography environment development urban studiesUnited Nations Environment Programme(UNEP)1995
Geography of Viet Namnguyễn Trọng Điều1995
GESAMP: arsenic, mercury and selenium in the marine environmentUnited Nations Environment Programme(UNEP)1988
GESAMP: Atmospheric input of trace aspecies to the world oceansUnited Nations Environment Programme(UNEP)1990
GESAMP: Atmospheric input of trace aspecies to the world oceansUnited Nations Environment Programme(UNEP)1990
GESAMP: Atmospheric transport of contaminants in to the Mediterranean region (No.68)United Nations Environment Programme1985