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Showing results 1904 to 1923 of 4709 < previous   next >
TitleAuthor(s)Issue Date
Facts about swedish policy biological diversityEnvironmental Protection Agency1995
Facts about swedish policy wasteEnvironmental Protection Agency1996
Faculty of social sciences and humanitiesUnited Nations Environment Programme(UNEP)(UNEP)1995
Field Guide for Oil Spill Résponse in Tropical WatersIMO1997
Field work in marine ecology for secondary schools in tropical coutriesA.L.Dahl1990
Final draft state of the Environment report GuidelinesSocialist Repuplic of Vietnam2007
Final report on reseach project Dealing with mercury, toxicity and analytical techniquesUnited Nations Environment Programme(UNEP)1991
Final report Sea level rise scenarios and possoble risk reduction in VietnamViện KHKTTV&MT2010
Final reports on research projects (activity G)United Nations Environment Programme(UNEP)1991
Final reports on research projects dealing with bioaccumulation and toxicity of chemical pollutantsUnited Nations Environment Programme(UNEP)1991
Final reports on research projects dealing with entrophication and plankton blooms (activity H)United Nations Environment Programme(UNEP)1990
Final reports on research projects dealing with the effects of pollutants on marine communities and organisms: Map technical reports series No.73United Nations Environment Programme(UNEP)1993
Final reports: Coastal and marine Environmental management for Minh Hai province, Socialist republic of Viet namEVS Environment Cónultants1996
Financing Anti-Desertification ProgrammesUnited Nations Environment Programme1991
Financing Environmental Protection Activities in Quang Ninh Province: The Role of the Tourism SectorMPI/United Nations Development Programme(UNDP)/SDC2001
Financing Mechanisms for Environmental Investments and Sustainable DevelopmentTheodore Panayotou1994
First Annual ReportMichel F.Girard, Laurent Godbout1995
First Asean state of the Environmen reportUnited Nations Environment Programme(UNEP)1997
First international conference on industrial pollution and control Vol.IIWorld Health Organization1982