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Showing results 1 to 20 of 49  next >
TitleAuthor(s)Issue Date
A strategy for the seasPeter Hulm1983
Acquisition of marine surveying technologiesUnited Nations1987
Action plan for managing the natural resources and environment of the South Pacific regionUnited Nations Environment Programme(UNEP)1983
Action plan for the conservation of the marine environment and coastal areas of the Red sea and gulf of adenUnited Nations Environment Programme(UNEP)1986
Action plan for the protection and development of the marine environment and coast areas developmen west and central african regionUnited Nations Environment Programme(UNEP)1983
Action plan for the protection and development of the marine environment and coast areas developmen west and central african regionUnited Nations Environment Programme(UNEP)1983
Action plan for the protection, management and development of the marine and coastal environment of the Eastern African regionUnited Nations Environment Programme(UNEP)1985
Application of the biosphere reserve concepts to coastal marine areasInternational Union For Conservation of Nature (IUCN)1993
Australia's oceans policy-an issues paperMr Phillip Burgess1998
Báo cáo khảo sát kinh tế xã hội các cộng đồng biển và ven biển Việt namNgân hàng phát triển Châu á1999
Bibliography of coast marine environment in the North west pacific regionUnited Nations Environment Programme(UNEP)1998
Bibliography of the marine environment South asian seasFAO1984
Co-operation for environmental protection in the pacificUnited Nations Environment Programme(UNEP)1988
Coastal and marine environmental problems of the United Republic of TanzaniaUnited Nations Environment Programme(UNEP)1989
Directory of marine and coastal protected areas in theInternational Union For Conservation of Nature (IUCN)1989
Directory of organizations co-operating with or contributing to cation plans and global activities of the United Nations Environment Programme(UNEP) Oceans ProgrammeUnited Nations Environment Programme(UNEP)1990
E.D.Gomez et al.: State of the marine environment in the East Asian Seas regionUnited Nations Environment Programme(UNEP)1990
Environmental capacity and approach to marine pollution preventionFood and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations1986
Environmental problems of the marine and coastal area of India: national reportUnited Nations Environment Programme(UNEP)1985
Environmental proplems of the marine and coastal area of Maldives: National reportUnited Nations Environment Programme(UNEP)1986